Gift Guide for Pet Lovers

Are you still looking for the perfect gift for the pet lover in your life? Don't worry, Anicura's got you covered. Check out our ultimate gift ideas and get ready for the holiday season!

1. Water fountain

Cats love drinking from moving water because it feels more 'natural' to them than drinking from a static bowl. It invokes their primal nature and makes them feel like the Lions and Tigers they used to be. In winter, making sure your pet is properly hydrated is very important to combat dry skin, but cats are also likely to stay indoors more, meaning fewer puddles or streams to drink from. Water Fountains look lovely and make a great gift, so what better way to kick off our gift guide for pets?

2. Pet stocking

We all love waking up to that stocking on Christmas morning. It seems a strange tradition to fill a sock with toys and food, so why not up the ante by getting one for your pet? There are so many out there to choose from, filled with (natural) snacks, food, toys and chews to keep your cat or dog busy for days.

3. Our lovely Bath Bundle

You didn’t think we’d put together a gift guide for pets without mentioning our own spectacular products, did you? Our Shampoo and Conditioner duo makes for the perfect luxury Bath Bundle so, while you argue politics with Uncle Benjamin and mum burns the turkey again, your pet can relax in comfort, as usual, without a care in the world.

4. A PawBakes baking kit

How cute are these!? Get real festive and give your doggy some goodies to chow down on with this bake-your-own festive dog treat kit. They’re a bit of a cheat for your pet, but not too unhealthy, and they also help your beloved basset hound or sleepy shiz-tzu get in on the fun of Christmas too.

5. Luxury Collar or Winter Coat

Christmas is a special time, so spoil your furry friend with a very special new collar, lead or coat, made from durable, beautiful materials and with stunning, wintery prints. We’ve fallen completely in love with these luxury collars and coats from our friends at Hettie. They’re incredibly stylish and will ensure that your pet will be putting the local designer corgis to shame. We just knew that our gift guide for pets wouldn’t be complete without them!

6. Christmas-themed Toys

You'll find Christmassy pet toys in lots of places these days, but we of course prefer the more natural and eco friendly options, like those from Green & Wilds. These guys make toys to last from all natural materials, it’s a win-win! You’ll have a happy pet and we’ll all get a happy planet.

7. Natural Turkey-Flavoured Treats

Of course, as well as all the gifts that’ll leave them truly spoiled, your pet shouldn’t miss out on Christmas dinner! As many Christmassy human foods can actually be harmful to your pet, get them some natural, turkey-based treats and food instead. We always recommend a raw diet for pets old and young, and Christmas day is no exception, even if they are staring longingly at the pigs in blankets - so opt for instance for dried turkey treats or turkey feet.

8. Ultimate Itchy Skin Bundle, with our Spray and Gel

We couldn’t complete this gift guide without mentioning our Spray and Gel Bundle! Give your pet healthier skin this Christmas and make sure they’re a part of the fun of gift-giving with this bundle. The Spray will help combat the dry heat of the house when it gets hot from the oven and having the heating on full blast 24/7, and the Gel is a great addition to any pet owner's first aid box in case little accidents happen or your pet gets some skin irritation. With this bundle, your pet can enjoy Christmas as much as anyone!

That’s all for this years Anicura gift guide for pets. Got any more ideas? Let us know on Facebook or Instagram!

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